The Night Feeling
Original Oil Painting on a hardboard 12×16”
In "The Night Feeling" the canvas encapsulates an enchanting ambiance where cozy warmth intertwines with a serene chill. The brushwork is fluid yet deliberate, creating a sense of depth that invites the viewer to linger in the scene. This painting captures that unique moment when the day's busyness fades into the night's embrace, leaving behind a sublime harmony of relaxation and introspection. This perfect balance soothes yet awakens the soul.
Original Oil Painting on a hardboard 12×16”
In "The Night Feeling" the canvas encapsulates an enchanting ambiance where cozy warmth intertwines with a serene chill. The brushwork is fluid yet deliberate, creating a sense of depth that invites the viewer to linger in the scene. This painting captures that unique moment when the day's busyness fades into the night's embrace, leaving behind a sublime harmony of relaxation and introspection. This perfect balance soothes yet awakens the soul.
Original Oil Painting on a hardboard 12×16”
In "The Night Feeling" the canvas encapsulates an enchanting ambiance where cozy warmth intertwines with a serene chill. The brushwork is fluid yet deliberate, creating a sense of depth that invites the viewer to linger in the scene. This painting captures that unique moment when the day's busyness fades into the night's embrace, leaving behind a sublime harmony of relaxation and introspection. This perfect balance soothes yet awakens the soul.
This painting is on a special heavy-duty Canson paper mounted on a sturdy wooden veneered hardboard 5 mm and varnished for the best appearance and protection.